Consider collaborations with publishers, enter cooperations where everyone involved can gain added value

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Away from the “lonely wolf [sic]”, towards the “power of the pack”, as described by Lugschitz et al. (2024). Use synergies and – where it makes sense – do not shy away from collaborating with other local media outlets. Many Swiss local media outlets are currently asking themselves the same questions or facing the same problems. In the case of expensive purchases such as a new CMS, it may be worthwhile collaborating with another local medium or entering a partnership with a foundation. A particularly good example of this is the cooperation approach of We.Publish (see examples below). To find out which local media outlets in Switzerland have similar issues to yours, it is imperative that Swiss local media network more closely – even across language borders. Züriost even regularly exchanges information across national borders with the Leipziger Volkszeitung. Following the example from Austria with the V+ subscription, where you get content from different media (albeit from the same publisher), local media in Switzerland could also join to form subscription associations. This would then go in the direction of a news flat rate or a general subscription, as proposed by Grubenmann and Weber (2022, p. 35).


Share recommendation


  • We.Publish: The non-profit foundation offers an open-source CMS that can be used by various media for a license fee. The tool is constantly being developed further and allows content to be exchanged on request. This allows smaller media to reduce fixed costs by sharing IT development costs.
  • V+ subscription at
  • local journalist exchange in Germany